City of Coppell
GovernmentParks & RecreationWater Utilities
About Us
Coppell is located in northwest Dallas County,five miles from the Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport and 15 miles from Dallas Love Field Airport. Surrounded by major regional freeways such as I.H. 635, I.H. 35 E, Highway 161 and the S.H. 114/121, these assets make Coppell easily accessible to any place in the Metroplex and anywhere in the world.
Coppell offers its citizens an excellent quality of life through everything from the superb park system, to the Aquatic Center, to the Coppell Community Gardens, and the public library. Just driving through the community will show you the pride that the citizens and the businesses alike take in the City of Coppell.
Stay informed with the City's weekly electronic news letter, CoppellClips. Read about budget considerations, Ordinance adoptions, public meetings and hearings, special events, road construction, informational classes and more.
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