Oasis Outsourcing

  • Professional Employment Organization
5050 Quorum Dr., Ste. 415
Dallas, TX 75254
(866) 838-7601
(866) 838-7602 (fax)
  • About

    Would you like to get back to the part of your business that you enjoy? You outsource your telephones, you outsource your heating and air conditioning. And, why? Because it's not your area of expertise and it would cost you more time and money to do it yourself...and then it might not be done correctly!
    So, why not outsource the headaches of complying with State and Federal employment law to specialists that deal with those issues daily? Why not let an expert find and update your company to the most affordable benefits for you and your employees? Why would you continue to research, calculate, and put payroll together if you can have experts do it for you? Wouldn't it be great to have a trusted, competent, and knowledgeable resource to not only minimize the risk you assume when you have employees, but to share in that risk with you? Lastly, you want your company to plan for future growth and prosperity, so wouldn't it make sense to have a partner that will help you create a strategy to accomplish that?
    That's what Oasis Outsourcing does as we partner with you. We have over 3,000 businesses with over 80,000 employees that trust us to do all of the ''un-fun'' stuff in their business so that they can focus on the part of their business they enjoy and that makes them money. And, we can do it for less than they, or you, can do it for yourself! So, give me a call. In 20 minutes we'll know if it makes sense to do business together.