28th Annual Chamber Golf Classic
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 5, 2021
6:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
6:30 A.M. Registration Opens
6:30-8:00 A.M. Breakfast Buffet - Driving Range Available
8:00 A.M. Morning Shotgun Start
Lunch & Awards Following Morning Round
All sponsorships which include a hole sponsor are invited to provide company representatives on the golf course the day of play, at their designated hole, to meet and greet the players. Companies would need to provide their own chairs, awnings or other required props. No food or drinks may be distributed at the hole without prior approval.
Never hit a golf ball, but don’t want to miss out on the networking and fun? We've got games for non-golfers too! Join us for corn hole, giant Jenga and washers on the lawn. $50/person and includes breakfast and lunch.
Cowboys Golf Club
1600 Fairway Dr, Grapevine, TX 76051
Platinum Sponsor: Team w/ four players, hole sponsorship, GPS logo: $1050
Team Only/Four Players: $640
Individual Player: $175
Non-Golfer: $50
(Details Below)
Title Sponsor: $3,000 (SOLD - Daryl Flood Logistics)
__ Two foursomes
__ Opportunity to present winner’s trophies
__ 8 mulligans (1 per player)
__ Company logo displayed on event banner and winners poster
__ Recognition as Title sponsor in all press releases, newsletters, social
media & electronic communications.
__ Top billing with logo on all printed material including event brochures &
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Primary recognition in all newspaper advertising
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the GPS
screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Birdie Sponsor: $1,500 (SOLD)
__ One foursome
__ 4 mulligans (1 per player)
__ Company logo displayed as Birdie sponsor on event banner
__ Recognition as Birdie sponsor in all press releases, & electronic
__ Logo on all printed material including event brochure & program
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the GPS
screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Golf Ball Sponsor—$1200 (SOLD)
__ One foursome
__ 4 mulligans (1 per player)
__ Company logo displayed as Golf Ball sponsor on event banner
__ Company logo displayed on each Ball sleeve distributed to the Golfers
__ Recognition as Golf Ball sponsor in all press releases, & electronic
__ Logo on all printed material including event brochure & program
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the GPS
screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Golf Ball Launcher/Air Cannon Sponsor: $1200 (SOLD)
(Each team can use an air cannon to “launch” their ball to the starting position on a specific hole
__ Company logo displayed as Golf Ball Launcher sponsor on event banner__ __ Company logo displayed as Ball Launcher with the launcher
__ Recognition as Golf Ball Launcher sponsor in all press releases, & electronic
__ Logo on all printed material including event brochure & program
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ One individual entry
Platinum Sponsor: $1,050 (18 available)
__ One foursome
__ Name recognition in all press releases, & electronic communications
__ Name/logo on event banner
__ Name on all printed material including event brochure & program
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the GPS
screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Long Drive Sponsor: $1000 (1 available)
Let a pro help with that first shot, hitting long drives on the hole of choice
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Recognition on event signage
__ Recognition in the program
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the
GPS screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Beverage Cart Sponsor: $750 ( 2 Available)
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Recognition on event banner
__ Recognition in the program
__ Logo on beverage carts
__ One individual entry
Scorecard Sponsor: $600 (1 available)
__ Name on event banner
__ Name on every scorecard placed in each golf cart during event
Breakfast Sponsor: $500 (2 Available)
__ Name on event banner
__ Opportunity to host breakfast table and interact with players
__ Opportunity to set up a promotional display in breakfast area
Award Sponsor: $500
__ Logo on event banner
__ Opportunity to greet from the podium, assist in presenting awards
and interact with players
__ Opportunity to set up a promotional display in the luncheon area
Driving Range Sponsor: $200 - SOLD
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Signage on driving range
__ Recognition in the program
Hole Sponsor: $230 (18 available)
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Signage at the sponsored hole
__ Recognition in the program
__ One hole sponsorship with GPS advertisement/logo will be seen on the
GPS screen & opportunity to place tent, table & staff at hole
Team Only/Four Players: $640
__ 18 Holes of Golf with Cart, Goody Bag, Breakfast & Lunch for four
Individual Player: $175
__ 18 Holes of Golf with Cart, Goody Bag, Breakfast & Lunch for one player
Lawn Games Sponsor: $600 (SOLD)
Games for non-golfers include corn hole, giant jenga and washers on the lawn.
__ Linked logo on Chamber website
__ Signage on the lawn with games
__ Recognition in the program
Non-Golfer: $50
__ Breakfast & Lunch for one non-golfer
__ Opportunity to participate in all non-golfer lawn games

Thank you to our Sponsors
Title Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor—City of Coppell
Birdie Sponsor—Alphagraphics
Birdie Sponsor—Right Choice Painting & Construction
Golf Towel Sponsor—Frost Bank
Golf Bag Sponsor—AAA Headquarters Texas
Golf Ball Sponsor—24:15 Realty
Golf Ball Launcher Sponsor—Allegiance Title & Burns Surveying
Lawn Games Sponsor—US Health Advisors—Michele Dillman
Breakfast Sponsor—Frost Bank & Healthcare at the Grove
Driving Range Sponsor—The Christi Greene Team—Keller Williams DFW Preferred
Platinum Sponsors—Akerly Law PLLC & J. Macklins Grill
Hole Sponsors— Dallas College North Lake, Farmers Insurance—Darrin Hendley, Neighborhood credit union, state farm—James Miller, stretchlab, core physical medicine, Coppell er